Badania kliniczne
MOXO przoduje w badaniach w zakresie zdrowia poznawczego, szczególnie w dziedzinie zaburzeń uwagi, takich jak ADHD.
Wskaźniki MOXO zostały wykorzystane w ponad 100 projektach badawczych i recenzowanych publikacjach przeprowadzonych przez cenionych badaczy i kluczowych liderów opinii na całym świecie.
Rada naukowa

Prof. César Soutullo
Cesar A. Soutullo, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Psychiatry and Director of ADHD Outpatient Program at The University of Texas. He moved there in 2019, after working 20 years as Director of the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) Unit, and Training Director of the CAP Fellowship program at the University of Navarra Clinic, in Pamplona, Spain.
He is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in general adult and child and adolescent psychiatry. He focuses on the study of ADHD and pediatric mood disorders (depression and bipolar). He has investigated on the phenomenology of early stages of these disorders, studying children of parents with bipolar disorder, pre-school children with early symptoms of ADHD, the Psychopharmacology of ADHD, and the phenomenology, cycling patterns, pharmacology, longitudinal stability and outcome of Pediatric Bipolar disorder.

Dr. Sam Goldstein
Sam Goldstein, PhD is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine. He is the Clinical Director of the Neurology Learning and Behavior Center. The center conducts evaluations, consultation and provides treatment services to 300 individuals and families each year.
Dr. Goldstein has authored over fifty trade and science texts as well as over three dozen science based book chapters and thirty peer reviewed research articles. He has also co-authored ten psychological tests. He currently serves as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Attention Disorders and sits on the editorial boards of six peer reviewed journals. He is also the Co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Child Development.

Prof. Baris Topcular
Baris Topcular, MD is Professor of Neurology and Chair of the Department of Neurology at Demiroglu Bilim University (DBU). He is the founder and head of the Cognitive Neurology and Movement Disorders Unit at DBU. The unit serves over 3000 patients and is one of the leading referral centers in the region.
He has published over 50 manuscripts and several book chapters and is a reviewer for over ten international peer-reviewed neurology journals. He is the developer of a cognitive rehabilitation software and consultant of several cognitive apps. His main research interests include Alzheimer’s Disease, Cognitive Neurology, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Migraine, and Translational Neuroscience.

Prof. Itai Berger
Itai Berger M.D, PhD, is a specialist in Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology, and Child Development. He serves as the Head of Pediatric Neurology at Assuta-Ashdod University Medical Center, Israel. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and as an Adjunct Associate Professor (adjunct) at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, at the Hebrew University.
Primary clinical and research interests involve early brain development, the factors affecting it (both genetic and environmental) and the impact on long-term neuro-developmental outcome with special focus on cognitive (higher) functions and the prenatal (in-utero) environment.
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